Single and new to Singapore! How to enjoy a bar alone?

So, you’re tired of staying in and watching Netflix and decide to hit the city for a change. Contrary to popular belief, there’s nothing wrong with going to a bar alone, and it can even lead to some fun and interesting opportunities. Seeing what people get up to after working hours and what the city looks like at night is also an exciting way to experience a new place, especially when are new to Singapore!

And, who knows? You might just strike it lucky with the ladies as well.

Tip #1: Look sharp

First impressions matter, period. If you want for a successful night of hunting, you need to look your best. If you happen to need some new digs, now is a great time to make the investment. Grunge has had its day, and when in doubt, it’s better to aim for a more formal look than casual.

Not only will some sharp new clothes impress the ladies, but it will give your ego a boost too. Just to be safe, lookup the bars dress code, particularly after certain hours. Oh, and smelling great helps too.

Tip #2: Confidence is key

One thing that’s almost just as noticeable as what you’re wearing is your self-confidence. This can be the hardest part about going out alone and has made all of us rather stay home on at least one occasion.

A few hacks you can try to prep your confidence are:

  • Blasting your favorite tracks on the way there

  • Keeping an upright posture

  • Remind yourself of (one) of your achievements

  • Make eye contact

  • Don’t fidget or move too much

“Fake it until you make it” is a real thing, and if you practice it enough it will become natural with time.

Tip #3: Pace yourself

Sure, a couple of initial beers will help you loosen up. However, there’s nothing that will kill your chance of scoring a date than slurring your words or stumbling around. If you want to keep up appearances, swap out the alcohol for a soda every now and then, and none will be the wiser. And if you happen to strike out, it’s never advisable to try and get home drunk by yourself, especially in a new city.

Tip #4: Don’t go alone

There’s no shame in admitting that it can be intimidating going to a bar alone. If you’re new to Singapore, or your coliving space, why not make the most of the opportunity by asking some of your flatmates to join in. What better way to make new friends than with a couple of beers to lubricate the conversation? You’ll walk in with more confidence showing up as a squad and it’s a classic networking move for the digital nomad.

Tip #5: Have an exit strategy

One of the reasons why you’re living the single life in a coliving space is probably to experience true independence. However, there’s a fine line between being a free spirit and tempting fate. Make sure at least one person knows what your plans are and where you’ll be going. Singapore is a safe city with great public transportation. However, everyone has had a bit more than they’ve planned on beforehand or even lost their phone or keys which can make getting home interesting to say the least.

Now you are ready with the tips, its time to implement your new knowledge!

Bonus Tip: Check out these great bars for singles

Which is your favorite bar, share with us.


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